Wednesday, August 4, 2021

New Flag on the Planet

You know how especially currently there's a flag for everything? I thought up a new flag.

How come? I recently saw some hue and cry over a certain flag. The one with the thin blue line running horizontal in the center of the American flag, the remainder done in black and white. 

It symbolizes the "Thin Blue Line" which stands for law enforcement, keeping order over lawless chaos. Regardless of where you stand politically, I can understand how that might be a subject worth discussing. In the extreme some see it as a symbol for insurrectionist white supremacy since it was displayed by the rioters in the Capitol on January 6, 2021. [Never mind that The Flag was also displayed. No double standard, please.]

So I got to thinking. In my field we stand for what's normal and healthy for Humans in a most basic, fundamental way. That is, to live with our bodies balanced with Gravity. I don't think that up until Dr. Ida Rolf originated Structural Integration there was much said on that subject. Mostly it's been how you are is, well, how you are. Born that way. Definitely not something I want to change, or even think can be changed. 

There is an option.

If that brief description resonates with you, by all means, look into Rolf Structural Integration for yourself. There is plenty of information on this website. You may contact me if you have further questions or need assistance.

In any event, here's the flag ...

So that's my flag proposal, not for a new country, but for a new planet. On earth, just as there are continents and countries, provinces/states, cities — I could go on, but you get the point — so too, there are several "planets". Planets distinguished by so many overlapping and interlocking points of view. Technological is a pretty obvious one. The Internet. Economics/commerce. Geographical. Political. Ethnic. Historical. Like that.

So my planetary flag is for Balanced Living. The standard principle on the planet is that Gravity rules. There's a certain way of Gravity. When you consciously engage with it there's also what I call the Way of Gravity. 

"The Way of Gravity" is a line anchored to the center of the earth, extending out to the center of the Universe. That line is the action of Gravity. When you relate to it in the makeup of your body, "you have aligned yourself with the forces that hold the Universe together".

This new flag attempts to graphically represent the fact of Gravity, and its potential for Humans. Trust me, the flag might be new, but the fact that Gravity itself can be enlisted for Human health and well-being is still breaking news. 

You could say that it's a new flag on the planet. That is, how to live on the planet.

Here's a poetic expression on the subject ...