What Does This Have to Do with Rolf Structural Integration?
First, you may be wondering just what is Rolf Structural Integration?
I'll be brief ...
It was Dr. Ida P. Rolf who originated a training program for individuals to learn to live with their bodies aligned with the force of Gravity. The body segments stacked up at ease in a vertical arrangement; symmetrical and level. It's in a class by itself; definitive and peerless.
This is a fabulous discovery when you consider how, as a species, we are not fully upright according to our scientific understanding of Anatomical design and Physics in relation to how structures exist in the Gravitational Field. Most live with imbalances as the default, short of our simple natural potential.
We put up with imbalances which have built up over time due to a unique mix of personal historical factors: bad habits, unresolved accidents and traumas, insufficient/improper training; and, from our earliest age, modelling after significant others who themselves never displayed such basic vertical balance in the makeup of their bodies.
The price is pain and stress. Energy diverted just to hold together. Low productivity. Below our potential for top performance and full creative expressiveness.
Okay. So that's that. [If you're so inclined, check it out.]
Now, what about that image up above?
It's an automobile shift gate from the iconic Ferrari works from before everything got all drive by wire with paddles on the steering wheel to change gears.
Take a look at it. See if you can figure out what's that got to do with Rolf Structural Integration.
Here's the skinny: When the shift lever is in central neutral, it is free to move in every direction. It also happens that position is vertical, upright! Obvious now, huh?
Same when the human body is in its designed balance. Stacked up vertically, all level and even. Living with options; not stuck in a familiar gear. Rut.
This certainly tracks as a theoretical point. Who isn't for balance. But, when it comes to our bodies, look around. A mixed bag of so many dragging around inefficient personal histories anchored in our very flesh. We are shaped by our experiences.
There's an option. Balance your body. Since the human body is plastic, it can retrain from old, limiting imbalances and transform [literally] toward an arrangement that looks good. That also feels good!