Friday, April 3, 2020

Talking about Gravity ...

Gravity is for us a "medium" we live in; kind of like water is for fish.

The thing about Gravity is that it is ineluctable. No denying it. So ever present and constant that we are inured to it.

Yet ... just like any other physical structure on Earth, the human body — your body — is subject to the simple Physics of the downward pull of Gravity.

The healthy, correct anatomical design of the human body calls for everything to be stacked up vertically, with all the segments level and even.

When you look, you can see that there are a whole lot of folks living with accumulated, random imbalances built into the fabric of their bodies. Because this has happened over so many years we take the organization of our body as it has developed as a given.

Not so fast. Because the body is plastic, it can change. Change toward a level of balance according to the dictates of Gravity. Easily upright, unstressed, nice and even. That's strong, healthy, good looking, and effective.

Get that for yourself.