What is Structural Integration ...
[The Short And The Long Of It]
IN A NUTSHELL: The condition of living in bodily balance in respect to the demands of Gravity is called "structural integration". "Structural Integration" is the training to foster actual embodiment and the direct expereince of living with such balance.
If you want to look into that further ... READ MORE:
Structural Integration is the name Dr. Ida P. Rolf gave her peerless and definitive approach to Human health and wellness. Simply stated, the goal is to balance the body with the Gravitation field of the Earth.
We look at the Human body structurally. Importantly, just like any physical structure on Earth, it is subject to the demands of Gravity.
Scientifically, we understand that the design of the Human body calls for its major segments — feet, legs, pelvis, abdomen/torso, shoulder girdle, neck, head — to be stacked up vertically. With everything symmetrical side to side, and level front to back.
Proper structure is learned. Yes, as we grow up we get bigger and stronger automatically. Stucture on the other hand, the relationship of how things actually become arranged and work in the makeup of the body, that is learned. We're mostly self taught, typically arriving at adulthood with an unique historical mix of unresolved imbalances and their attendant body-wide compensations.
There are many factors for our structural imbalances: Limited or no proper basic instruction on the use of our bodies ... who taught you how to stand, how to sit, how to walk? Did you even imagine that this could be something worthwhile to add to the general curriculum? Who can't attest to living with a unique personal history of unresolved accidents and traumas? Add in a random mix of good and bad habits. Then there's modelling after significant others who themselves may not have been good examples of sound structure ... "It runs in the family".
At this point it important to understand some not so well known Anatomy. Besides muscles and bones and organs and nerves there's something called soft connective tissue. The Fascial system. It is everywhere throughout the body, from under the skin and down to the bones. It surrounds and interpenetrates everything in the entire body, down to the cellular level. Think of the pulp in a Orange.