Tuesday, November 23, 2021

It's the Law


Those castle walls in order to endure the stones need to be stacked straight up, each one level. In order to cut through the water a boat needs to have both sides in symmetry; for maneuverability, it’s rudder and mast, dead center. 

We all understand this intuitively from when at a young age we learn to stack blocks. It’s preverbal. To put a words on it, it’s the Law of Gravity. Structures of any kind must align with the energy field of the Earth in order to stay together and last.

Yet, when it comes to our own bodies, we take growing up for granted and don’t pay very much attention to training that evolving structure in any conscious way. In that we are all mostly self-taught. Trial and error. 

Balancing the body to align with the action Gravity takes doing. We’re not talking about ‘keeping’ one’s balance; like on a skateboard, or a tight wire. We’re referring to how the segments come to fit together over time with use, habit, modeling after significant others, accidents and traumas, inadequate learning. 

We're also talking about how that body aligns with the dictates of Gravity. Upright, symmetrical, and level are naturally in the desing of the human body. Basic Physics tells us that balanced design is normal, and healthy.

The good news is that we have options to train youngsters for bodily balance, or to work out the random imbalances we’ve accumulated over time. 

But, it does take some doing. Consider it.