Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Posture Tips

Posture Tip Numero Uno: Waist Back!

The benefit is plain to see. Look!

In my practice I’ve seen virtually every client could benefit from that adjustment. No need for any manipulation to get there. Just some careful coaching.

The stance on the left requires the shoulders to be pulled back. When you shift your position letting your waist go back the shoulders need to be relaxed. Most people take this change from their habitual shoulders pulled back as feeling off. As if the shoulders are then slumped forward. Look in the mirror though and the shoulders are in fact even, front to back. It's the shift in the sense of it that at first seems off from that habit of holding them back.

Interesting, "holding back". The center at the abdomen suggests moving forward. The shoulders are going in the opposite direction. "Stuck" is a good word to describe how this posture colors one’s life experience.

Posture Tip #2: Getting Your Mojo Back.

When you stand like that on the left you are locked at the waist in back, and the knees. That's not all. These imbalances translate to any number of compensations/complications throughout the body. 

When you move that waist back, your tush has to move back too. Just like we've pointed out before that new posture may feel strange; in the shoulders [which are used to being pulled back; and the butt, which may feel like your sticking it out. But look in the mirror ... everything is in line!]

Now that you've found your vertical line, things can loosen up. At the hips, at the knees. In the keppie too. Oh, you do have a loving heart, don't you know. 

This is all something you can feel. 

If that's not "mojo" then what is? Try it!