Thursday, May 1, 2008




So, you ask, what about the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

Did you know that by 1990 the Pisa tower was leaning by nearly 4 ½ meters off center. Scientists have so far removed a small amount of soil from the base and the structure came back nearly 2 ½ centimeters. Centimeters!? They plan to remove 50 cubic meters more and expect that this will cause it to come back another ½ meter. This is predicted to add another 350 years to the tower’s life!

If you look at your body in basic architectural terms…compared to a simple vertical line… how do you stack up? If you visited Pisa, would you blend in? Does your body look more like a question mark than an exclamation point? Are you zagging when you want to be zigging? Should we call the Ministry of Silly Walks? If you were a pizza, would the topping slide off? Does the girl next door like you just the way your are?…Next door! Huh, bunky?

Seriously, how our bodies stack up in the earth’s energy field, gravity, makes a lot a difference in the quality of our health and aliveness. We mostly don’t pay much attention to this “gravity factor” in our day-to-day living. Unless, if we accidentally drop something or have a spill; then, gravity asserts itself quickly and quite emphatically. So as we age we find ourselves too quickly breaking down and in need of all kinds of unnecessary outside supports. We live below our normal potentials.

Good news! We have choice. And it’s right at hand. Now, just to do it! Synchronizing yourself with the earth’s great energy field is easy. Stand up straight, already. Sit upright, with dignity. Move consciously and be present with the simple messages gravity is giving you in your felt sense of things. Like mamma said, “don’t slouch.

Yours In Gravity,

David D. Wronski

And, oh yes, there is something more…

It’s called Structural Integration, The Ida P. Rolf Method. I have been an enthusiastic practitioner of this craft since 1981 when I was certified by the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration. This unique approach to health and wellness offers personalized assistance should you want to take the matter of balancing your body with gravity to a higher level.

Structural Integration offers significant lasting benefits for people of all ages with different abilities and backgrounds. It is a personalized training to raise the level of balance in the architectural make up of the body. The body becomes noticeably easy, unstressed, and effortlessly upright. In proper alignment with gravity chronic pains and stress resolve automatically. It invigorates you to realize your full potential for sound health, well being, growth, and achievement. A balanced body is a solid foundation for self discovery, peak physical performance, and full artistic expression. The experience is vital and fresh. You move with grace, ease, power, and presence.
Rolfing New Jersey
Rolfer New Jersey
Structural Integration New Jersey
Rolfing Montclair, New Jersey
Rolfer Montclair, New Jersey
Structural Integration Montclair, New Jersey

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